Sunday, October 26, 2008

K-5 i-tunes U

I-tunes U is so cool, it gives you great information based on what grade level you pick. I for example went on and looked at three different video casts, "Observed clouds", "Why doesn't the moon fall down?", "Observed Precipitation", and "Solar Eclipse". I found great new ways to explain these subjects to my future students.

The first video cast was "Observing Clouds". On this video they showed how clouds moved and when they moves how they changes shapes. It really makes you want to step back and watch the clouds as they move, and see if you can see anything in the sky. This is a great thing to do with children, it sparks their imagination and gets them thinking. the video cast "Observe Precipitation" was kind of the same thing, but it showed different ways of precipitation. It showed a video of rain, hail , and snow. This would work well for young children, to help them understand when in precipitates, it gives them examples to put with the definition of precipitation.

I came across some really interesting videos, "why doesn't the moon fall down" and "Solar Eclipse". It the video about the moon it was really interesting to find out that in all actuality the moon is constantly falling, but if is falling so fast that it will never his the earth, and that the earth and moon are moving at the exact speed they need and if wither of them change at all it could be fatal. The video " the solar eclipse" was also really cool, i learned that the moon and the earth have to be the exact size and distance they are now in order for use to see a solar eclipse. People plan trips around seeing the solar eclipse, and some people will never see one in their life time.

These videos are just some of the videos on I-tunes U, there are tons more on different subjects, that can be used as great references for teachers.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ways of learning

In the video cast " A night in the Global Village" was so cool to watch. This was a video of students from the Rocky Mountains who went on a trip to the Heifer ranch, in Arizona. This is a program designed to help students learn about hunger and poverty. It was amazing to see how many young kids wanted to experiance how others live in different parts of the world.Each group represented a different country, and on the ranch there were all teh different types of living, as far as housing, and each group had to stay at their country's living quarters.They were deffinatly out of their comfort zones, especcially the students who had to be the refugeses, they were not able to speek and they had no supplies, like the others did, forcing them to beg from the others. While they were at the ranch, they had to sleep, cook, eat and problem solve like the people of their assigned countries do.

The Second video cast was " The edible schoolyard", which took place at Martin Luther King jr middle school in California. At this school, gardening is the center of the classroom. They teach the students how to garden, harvest and eat organic foods. The gardent realtes to all subjects, socail studies, where the foods come from, Math,measurements for cooking, science,how they grow, and life in general.

Both of these podcast can be useful in the classroom, to teach students about science, and socail studies. They both can show kids that they dont have to be older to realize how people live and where our food comes from, becasue they will see kids their age doing things to learn about them. You can also use this as an intro into doing somthing like this yourself, you can have your class build a garden and teach them about science, and then when somthing grows you can talk about math, by cooking what they grew.

Friday, October 10, 2008


This assignment has really opened up my eyes to what pod casting really is, its like a radio show.This will definitely help me with my podcast project,by knowing how it sounds and to remember to to speak clearly and loudly.

In the podcast titled "Connect Learning" they had people talking in the background, i found that to be distracting, it mad it hard to pay attention to the people who were actually giving the presentation. When you listen to other peoples podcast you really learn a lot,like what you like and don't like and how to really present yourself while on the air. You really need to be prepared and know what you are talking about, but at the same time you don't want to just read your notes, you need to be enthusiastic and grab the audiences attention.

Pod casting can be very beneficial in teaching, like "kidcast", where the school offers a week long camp for teachers to learn new ways of teaching. Pod casts can be used for online lectures, for elementary school kids who miss school or for their parents to listen too, or even for a college course. This is beneficial because you will be able to get a more well rounded education by getting actual notes instead of reading on your own, which everyone knows students don't.

So in conclusion by watching these pod casts before having to do our own was a great idea, you learn how it all works and it gets you thinking of how you want your podcast to sound.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"The last Lecture"

Wow, that was amazing! He was such an inspiration, he really made learning something fun and he made you want to keep coming back for more. His childhood dreams became reality, not by luck, but by his own determination to do everything he set his mind to. Even though he didn't accomplish all, he at least learned a lesson trying for those dreams. although he was dying from cancer he lived life to the fullest, as he said " we can not change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

He was a professor at Carnegie Mellon, where he taught the students to follow their dreams. He did this by showing them how he followed his dreams and even including them in his. One of his dreams was "being in zero gravity", so he crated a team for a NASA project, where if they won they would be able to fly, even though they said teachers couldn't fly he was determined to find a way. So he realized that they could have journalist, so he made himself a journalist, and set up a way for the teachers to fly.

He didn't get to accomplish all his childhood dreams but he did at least learn something from trying. This is important because sometimes it just isn't meant to be, like the old saying "everything happens for a reason". Paushe stated that "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted",as he learned through football.

Paushe learned through his own experience that teachers made a great impact on their students, he learned this from Andy van Dam. Andy van Dam was Paushe's professor at Brown University, He encouraged Paushe to go to graduate school and to become a teacher. He told him he had a sales attitude and that he should at least sell education. Of course Paushe listened and he loved it and thank Andy for ever thing he did for him. As Andy helped him in following his dreams, Paushe made it his mission to help his students follow their dreams.

With many other people he created a program called Alice. This program teaches students to learn how to do computer programing,by making movie and games.

Paushe helped so many students throughout his years of teaching, by encouraging them and giving them hope. From his zero gravity project to ALICE, he helped people enjoy school while learning something hard.