Sunday, August 24, 2008


Hey Everyone! I have recently looked at the website for ALEX, which stands for Alabama Learning Exchange. This website is very useful to teachers, it gives you all the state course of study standards that you have to teach your children for all grade levels and for every subject. You can also log in and crate your own lesson plans and it saves them for you, this is under the tab labeled personal workspace. You can also look at other peoples lesson plans and get ideas from them for your own classes. If you are ever looking for new and fun ways to teach you can find them here, by going under the professional learning tab. This tab will bring you to all kinds of resources. This website also gives links to all kinds of websites whether for students, teachers, or administrators. You look these sites up based on what you are trying to look up like art, English, foreign language,etc. Finally they have a search engine that you can use a keyword and it will search the ALEX database to see if they have any information pertaining to what you are looking for.

The ALEX website is great! It is great especially for teachers, it gives them a place to store lesson plans along with getting ideas for new ones. This website will help you answer tons of questions you have, because it has so many links to commonly used websites. It is also a big help because it is a quick way to look up all the state course of study standards, making sure you get everything completed for all the subject you teach. I highly recommend this website to other people, it will definitely come in handy. ttyl
- Hanna

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