Thursday, September 11, 2008

"The Best of"

This post is titled "Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?", this is a blog that a teacher wrote about how teachers should know how to use computers. she gives a list of 7 things teachers should know how to do with computers. She says quote "We should finally drop the myth of digital natives and digital immigrants", meaning that there is no excuse to not know how to use computers, since they have been around for years. Teachers should embrace new technology, such as computers, and know how to use them, she compares is to "teachers 30 years ago not being able to read or write". I think this is kind of extreme but that is my opinion, i think teachers should know how to use computers but they don't have to know how to do everything but they do need to know how to use the basic functions of a computer. This includes word processing, excel, PowerPoint, and how to use the Internet.

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