Monday, September 15, 2008

Why Wireless?

The second fischbowl article that i chose was November's Best, titled "Why wireless?". This blog started off as an article in a school newsletter, in which it was informing the schools parents about why the school had recently gotten wireless Internet installed for the use of personal devices.

In this article he gives obvious reasons of why wireless Internet was a good choice and why they found it to be beneficial. He said that it gives children great resources, teachers can use it to post class information, via their home pages, etc. However, he went a little deeper by adding quotes from philosophers stating that people need to learn and grow with change. He simple was saying that times have changed and we are now in a world of technology and we need to embrace it and learn from it, its not the world it use to be. This is how he made his argument for wireless Internet in the school. I think he did a great job and that he is totally right , we might as well start early and learn how to use technology because it will be all around us in the working world.

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